

Afghanistan, Taliban, Central Asia, security, Islamic State of Khorasan, terrorist organizations, humanitarian aid.

How to Cite

Тукумов, Е. (2023). TWO YEARS OF TALIBAN RULE: KEY OUTCOMES. JOURNAL OF CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES, 90(2). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5909.2023-2.01


The article attempts to showcase the transformation of the Taliban based on a comparative analysis of the movement's characteristics development when the Taliban first came to power in 1996 and when they regained control in 2021. A detailed examination of the normative and legal foundations of the movement, its economic policies, and methods of foreign policy reveals and helps to better understand the nature of the Taliban movement's authority. The author addresses questions about why, despite the efforts of almost the entire global community, radical forces returned to power and what prospects modern Afghanistan, as a whole, and the Taliban movement, in particular, hold.
