
C5 1 Initiative
Central Asia
U.S. Foreign Policy
Geostrategic Position
International Relations

How to Cite

Kakenova, Z. (2024). U.S. Cooperation with Central Asian Countries within the C5+1 Initiative: Trends and Prospects. JOURNAL OF CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES, 93(1), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.52536/3006-807X.2024-1.06


The article examines the United States’ engagement with Central Asian countries through the C5+1 initiative, highlighting its evolution, challenges, and strategic implications. Central Asia's significant geostrategic position and history have made it a focal point for global powers. The C5+1 initiative, encompassing the U.S. and five Central Asian nations, represents a strategic realignment of U.S. policies in the region post-9/11. This initiative aims to balance the dominant Russian influence and China’s growing economic power. The article explores how the C5+1 initiative has established foundational frameworks for cooperation, addressing a range of issues from economic development to security concerns. The analysis underscores the initiative's role in shaping U.S. foreign policy towards Central Asia, considering regional dynamics and international relations.
